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Peter Hilton, Jean Pedersen, ``Build Your Own Polyhedra'', Addison Wesley (1988).

Jean J. Pedersen, 1973, ``Plaited Platonic Puzzles'', College Math Journal 4 N $^{\protect
\underline{\mbox{\protect \footnotesize o}}}$3, 22-37.


Denis Weaire (ed.) ``The Kelvin Problem, foam structures of minimal surface area'', Taylor & Francis (1996) ISBN: 0-748-0632-8.

5, Tamas Hausel, Endre Makai, Andras Szucs, 2000, ``Inscribing cubes and covering by rhombic dodecahedra via equivariant topology'' a publicar.

Ver o ficheiro kelvin-9tile-transp.html na directoria Denis Weaire, Robert Phelan, 1994, ``A counterexample to Kelvin's conjecture on minimal surfaces'' Phil. Mag. Lett. 69 107-110.

Ver a página 161 do livro ``The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry'' de David Wells (1991) que mostra o icosaedro ortogonal de Jessen, também pontualmente flexível. Michael Goldberg, 1978, ``Unstable Polyhedral Structures'', Mathematics Magazine 51 N $^{\protect
\underline{\mbox{\protect \footnotesize o}}}$3, 165-170. Walter Wunderlich, 1979, ``Snapping and Shaky Antiprisms'', Mathematics Magazine, 52 N $^{\protect
\underline{\mbox{\protect \footnotesize o}}}$4, 235-236.

Robert Connelly, I. Sabitov, A. Walz, 1997, ``The Bellows Conjecture'', em ``Contributions to Algebra and Geometry'', 38 N $^{\protect
\underline{\mbox{\protect \footnotesize o}}}$1, 1-10.

Cauchy, 1813, Second Mémoire, J. École Polytechnique, 9 87, os poliedros convexos não podem ser flexíveis.

Robert Connely, 1979, ``How to Build a Flexible Polyhedral Surface'', em ``Geometric Topology'' Proceedings of the 1977 Georgia Topology Conference (Athens, Georgia), edit. James C. Cantrell, Academic Press, 675. Robert Connely, 1979, ``The Rigidity of Polyhedral Surfaces'', Mathematics Magazine, 52 N $^{\protect
\underline{\mbox{\protect \footnotesize o}}}$5, 275-283.

11 David A. Huffman, 1976, ``Curvature and creases: A primer on paper'', IEEE Trans. Comput. C-25, 1010-1019

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$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
... la\-te\-rais
triangulares equil{\'a}teras.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2665
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...r{\^a}mide da figura
\protect \ref{phtpbq}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2666
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...r{\^a}mide da figura
\protect \ref{phtpbq}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2667
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
\epsf...{\^a}mide da figura \protect \ref{phtpbq}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2668
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...faces laterais triangulares equil{\'a}teras.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2669
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...b{\'e}m a figura
\protect \ref{paulinhas}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2670
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
poliedro da figura \protect \ref{phtdpbp}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2671
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...o respeite as
\lq\lq Dist{\^a}ncias'' indicadas.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2672
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
{\^a}ngulo de (c) e (j) {\'e} $\pi/6$.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2673
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...Planifica{\c c}{\ a}o proposta para o cubo.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2674
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...formado em que
as faces s{\ a}o losangos .}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2675
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
\textup{Cubo para exerc{\'\i}cio.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2676
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
em que quatro das faces s{\ a}o losangos.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2677
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
... a defini{\c c}{\ a}o de v{\'e}rtice plano.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2678
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...liedro possui tr{\^e}s v{\'e}rtices
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2679
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...edro a que foram cortados os
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2680
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...sentado na
figura \protect \ref{phtnonrec}).}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2681
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...extup{Planifica{\c c}{\ a}o de um octaedro.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2682
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...permite construir dois poliedros diferentes.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2683
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...c c}{\ a}o da figura \protect \ref{plnptq}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2684
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
\epsf... centradas e o correspondente cuboctaedro.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2685
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...encontra na figura \protect \ref{phtnonrec}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2686
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...tando o
da figura \protect \ref{phtnonrec}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2687
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...tical e os outros {\\lq a} volta na horizontal.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2688
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...s de espinela
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2689
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...s, pode simplificar a planifica{\c c}{\ a}o.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2690
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...tri{\^a}ngulos equil{\'a}teros pelas bordas.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2691
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...ompletamente exterior ao volume do poliedro.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2692
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...ide de
lados is{\'o}sceles rect{\^a}ngulos.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2693
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...ra \lq\lq normal'' n{\ a}o foram
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2694
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
... si. $1/4$ de
v{\'e}rtices n{\ a}o-planos.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2695
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
\epsf... $2\pi$ rad, ou seja, n{\ a}o existiria.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2696
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...extup{$1/6$ de v{\'e}rtices n{\ a}o-planos.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2697
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...anos. Poliedro
de 72 faces baseado no cubo.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2698
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...s v{\'e}rtices planos durante esse processo.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2699
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
... deste poliedro
possuem $\Theta=3\pi$ rad.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2700
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2701
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...ngulos: $\theta$ (entre EB e o plano $xy$).}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2702
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...nifica{\c c}{\ a}o de um poliedro toroidal.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2703
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...ica{\c c}{\ a}o com arestas mal calculadas.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2704
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...poliedro da figura
\protect \ref{plnflex}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2705
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...vo de Adist em fun{\c c}{\ a}o de $\theta$.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2706
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...,12,17), (10,10,11), (12,12,11) e (5,10,12).}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2707
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
...liedro da figura \protect \ref{plnmercedes}.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$ % latex2html id marker 2708
$\textstyle \parbox{71mm}{
... com uma aresta curva
baseado no tetraedro.}
\end{myfigure} \end{flushleft} }$

L. Nobre G. 2002-07-16